The current state of commercial aviation
Commercial aviation experienced a great change with the liberalization of the internal markets of the US and Europe, in the 80’s and 90’s respectively and with the policies of “Open Skies”, which took place later.
This is one of the main reasons why we currently see that there are more than 1500 commercial airlines, with more than 24,000 aircraft operating worldwide.
Likewise, the number of passengers has also increased during the last forty years: it has increased tenfold to more than 3 billion.
Also the amount of cargo transported has grown: it has multiplied by fourteen to reach 48 million tons.
With regard to the number of routes in the world, they exceed 35,000, creating more than 57 million related jobs.
Similarly, the current regulatory framework has allowed new business models to emerge and, with them, competition has been increased, with a large number of players that have allowed the offer to grow exponentially and reach almost all levels of the society.
This is the case of the “low cost” model, which has greatly stimulated air traffic, especially in emerging economies.
And an area that has grown especially in recent years has been that of regional aviation. The liberation of the sector and the phenomenon of low cost meant that traffic has doubled to more than 500 million passengers per year, increasing the number of routes year after year.
It is, therefore, an area with great job expectations. It is expected that regional traffic will increase around 4.5% per year, with the expectation that by 2037, 30% of this traffic will take place on routes that do not exist today.
ATR estimates a demand for 3000 new aircraft for the next 20 years, so being an ATR pilot is a great option for the future.
Tag:ATR, commercial aviation, courses